Layout and Publishing for Print and Online
This course will walk you through setting up a template for your design publications and teach you the differences between designing for print and online.
Readable and logical patterns mean that your users will have a more successful making experience, which means they are more likely to come back or tell your friends.
Learn this valuable skill yourself
How to chose your design software (free or paid)
How to set up templates you can use to quickly create books or patterns
The basics of accessible design
How to export for print and download
On demand video tutorials
Instruction in 3 different software packages: Adobe Indesign (paid), Canva (free or paid) and Scribus (free)
Access to our Professionals Lounge, a forum in which to ask questions, share with fellow designers and learn more
Thank you for Joining Layout and Publishing for Print and Online
Designing for Accessibility
A Quick Intro to Canva
Setting Up Your Brand Kit - Pro Feature
Using Canva for Pattern Layout
Setting Up A New Indesign Document
Editing Your Document
Exporting a Document for Print and Web in Indesign
Setting Up a New Scribus Document
Adding Images and Charts to Your Pattern in Scribus
Exporting a Document for Print and Web in Scribus